work equipment

Work Equipment on Electronic Assembly

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Work Equipment in Electronic Assembly – In the work of assembling an Electronic Device both carried out by Electronics hobbyists and in Mass Production, work equipment is needed to help and facilitate the production process or the process of assembling the Electronic device. The difference between the assembly activities carried out by electronics hobbyists and the mass production of electronics is the speed and number of successfully assembled. In Production, the necessary work equipment is work equipment that is able to move at a higher speed compared to the equipment used by electronics hobbyists. In addition to high speed, work equipment in production must also meet certain standards in order to produce Electronic products that are in accordance with the specified specifications. In general, electronics hobbyists only use work equipment that is driven manually or human power, while in production requires work equipment moved by electricity or wind.

Various Work Equipment

Here are some work equipment used in assembling electronic components to become an electronic equipment that can be used by the wearer.


Solder is a tool used to solder Terminal (foot) Electronic Components so that it blends with the Circuit Board (PCB) using Tin or often called the Soldering Process. In the market, we can find 2 types of Solder, namely Solder whose temperature is fixed and Solder whose temperature can be adjusted according to desire. In general, production will use solderable temperature that can be set, this is because the type of components that will be soldered varies and also to ensure the temperature remains within the specified specifications so as to get good solder quality. Usually the Technician will measure the Temperature every 4 hours to make sure the Iron Soldering Temperature remains in the Specification.

work equipment

Screwdriver (Screwdriver)

Screwdriver or in Indonesian referred to as Screwdriver is a tool used to tighten or loosen the screw ( screw ). The process of tightening or loosening (loosening) bolts is called the screwing process.

Based on its propulsion, Screwdriver (Screwdriver) is grouped into 3 types, namely:

  1. Manual Screwdriver or Screwdriver manual is a screwdriver that is moved by human power itself by turning the screwdriver clockwise or vice versa to tighten and loosen the bolts.
  2. Elektric Screwdriver or Electric Screwdriver is a screwdriver driven by electricity. It only needs to press a button.
  3. Water Screwdriver or Wind Screwdriver is a screwdriver that is moved by the wind. Its use is the same as an Electric Screwdriver, which is just by pressing a button to start it.

In the Production Process, generally use An Electric Screwdriver and Wind Screwdriver because the rotation is in high speed so that the bolt tightening process can be done quickly.

Screwdriver pair is screwdriver or often called screw bit. The use of Screwdriver Eyes must be in accordance with the shape of the Screw Eye to be tightened or loosened.  With an Electric Screwdriver or Wind Screwdriver, the tightening power can be adjusted according to production specifications so as not to damage production components and also to avoid production defects.

Screw Eye shapes include the forms “Plus (+)”, “Minus (-)”, “Hexagon”, “Box” and so on.

work equipment

Tang (Fold)

Based on its usefulness, Tang or Plier can be classified into 3 groups, namely:

  1. Tang Combination that serves to hold or rotate the Nut (Nut) of the Bolt is either to tighten it or reduce it. In addition, Tang Combination can also serve to bend thin Metal Plates or to bend the Component Legs. Combination Pliers can also be used to cut the legs of Electronic Components, Cables or Small Wires.
  2. Taper pliers or called “Long Nose Plier” is used to bend the legs of components or hold a small mur. One of the advantages of Tang Taper was that it could reach a narrow area compared to tang combination.
  3. Tang Cut or also called Cutter and Diagonal Plier is used to cut the legs of Electronic components and electrical cables that are too long.

work equipment

Tweezers (Twizzer)

Tweezers or Twizzers are used to clamp something as small as a Chip Component and also to pick up or hold something that may be harmful or irritating if touched by a human hand. Based on the material, Twizzer (Twizzer) consists of Stainless Steel Twizzer (Iron Tweezers), Bamboo Twizzer (Bamboo Tweezers) and Ceramic Twizzer (Ceramic Tweezers). Tweezers are often used to hold components at the time of the Chip-shaped Electronic Component Soldering.

work equipment

Read Also Definition of Power Supply and Its Types

Tin Sucker (Solder Sucker)

Tin Cleaner or Solder Sucker is a tool used to suck up soldering tin when you want to release electronic components that have been soldered. Solder cleaners are also often referred to as Desoldering Tools.

There are 3 Types of Tin Vacuum cleaners that are often used by Electronics hobbyists and Electronic Production to release Electronic Components.

  1. Manual Tin Sucker (Manual Solder Sucker)
    We need to pump manually (human power) to be able to suck the Tin contained in the Foot Component or PCB. This tin vacuum cleaner is often found in electronics repair workshops and is used by electronics hobbyists.
  2. Electric Solder Sucker
    pumping is done by Electricity, so we only need to press a button to be able to suck the tin found at the foot of electronic components or PCBs. This tool is often used by Production Technicians in making repairs to PCB units that have production defects.
  3. Solder Wick
    Made from copper fiber (Copper Wire) and requires heating by Solders so that the tin moves and sticks to the Solder Wick. Solder Wick is common in the form of rolls and can only be disposable.

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