
Definition of Oscilloscope and Specifications of its performance determinants

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Oscilloscope and Specifications determine its performance – Oscilloscope is an Electronic measuring instrument that can map or project electrical signals and frequencies into graphic images so that they can be read and easy to learn. Using an oscilloscope, we can observe and analyze the waveforms of electrical signals or frequencies in an electronic circuit. In general, oscilloscopes can display Two-Dimensional (2D) graphics with time on the X axis and voltage on the Y axis.

Oscilloscopes are widely used in industries such as research, science, engineering, medical and telecommunications. Currently, there are 2 types of oscilloscopes, namely Analog Oscilloscopes that use CRT Technology (Cathode Ray Tube) to display electrical signals and Digital Oscilloscopes that use LCD to display electrical signals or waves.

Oscilloscope Measurement Characteristics


In addition to its basic features, most oscilloscopes are also equipped with measuring devices that can measure the frequency, amplitude and wave characteristics of electrical signals. In general, oscilloscopes can measure characteristics that are time-based and also voltage-based characteristics.

Also read: How to Measure AC Voltage and Calculate Frequency with Oscilloscope

Frequency and Period  – Frequency is the amount of vibration generated during 1 second expressed with Hertz. While the period is the opposite of frequency, which is the time it takes to travel 1 vibration which is usually symbolized by t with units of seconds. The ability of an oscilloscope to measure maximum frequency varies depending on the type of oscilloscope used. Some can measure 100MHz, some can measure 20MHz, some can only measure 5MHz.

Duty Cycle – Duty Cycle is a comparison of the time when a signal reaches an ON state and when it reaches an OFF state within a single signal period. In other words, the Work Cycle or Duty Cycle is a comparison of the length of the ON condition and the OFF condition of a signal in each period.

Rise and Fall Time – Rise Time is the time of change of the signal (duration) from a low signal to a high signal, an example from 0V to 5V. While Fall Time is the time of change of the signal (duration) from a high signal to a low signal, for example a change from 5V to 0V. This characteristic is very important in measuring the response of a circuit to its signal.

Voltage-Based Characteristics (Voltage)

Amplitude – Amplitude is a measure of the magnitude of a signal or usually called the height of the wave peak. There are several ways in measuring amplitude, including measurements from the highest peak to the lowest peak (Vpp), there are also those that measure one of the peaks only both the highest and the lowest with the X axis or 0V.

Maximum and Minimum Voltage – Oscilloscopes can easily display the Maximum Voltage and Drink an Electronic circuit.

Average Voltage – An oscilloscope can perform calculations of the signal voltage it receives and display the average voltage result of that signal.


Oscilloscope Performance and Specifications


Not all oscilloscopes have the same performance, this depends on the specifications on the oscilloscope. Some important specifications in oscilloscopes that determine the performance of oscilloscopes include the following:

Bandwidth – Bandwidth determines the frequency range that an oscilloscope can measure. For example, 100MHz, 20MHz or 10MHz

Digital or Analog – Oscilloscopes can be classified into 2 types, namely Analog Oscilloscopes and Digital Oscilloscopes. Analog oscilloscopes use the measured voltage to vibrate electron beams in the image tube to display the waveforms it measures. While digital oscilloscopes use Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) to convert voltage amounts into digital quantities. In general, Analog oscilloscopes have a lower bandwidth or bandwidth, fewer features compared to Digital Oscilloscopes, but Analog oscilloscopes have a faster response.

Number of Channels – Oscilloscopes that can read more than one signal at the same time and display them on the screen simultaneously. This depends on the number of channels it has. In general, oscilloscopes found on the market have 2 or 4 channels.

Sampling Rate – Sampling Rate only for Digital Oscilloscopes i.e. the number of times the signal is read in one second.

Rise Time – The Rise Time specification on the Oscilloscope shows how quickly the oscilloscope measures the change in the signal rising from the lowest to the highest.

Maximum Input Voltage – Every electronic equipment has its Input voltage limit, including oscilloscopes. If the signal exceeds the specified voltage limit, the oscilloscope will become damaged by it.

Vertical Sensitivity – Vertical Sensitivity values indicate the ability of vertical reinforcement to amplify weak signals in the Oscilloscope. Vertical Sensitivity is measured by volts per div.

Time Base – Time Base indicates the sensitivity range on the Horizontal or Time Axis. The time base value is measured by the second unit per div.

Input Impedance – Input Impedance is used at the time of high frequency measurement. We can also use oscilloscope probes for less Impedance compensation.


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