
Basic Principles and Definition of Semiconductor

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Basic Principles and Definition of Semiconductor – Semiconductor is very identical to the electronics we use today. Almost every advanced electronic equipment such as Mobile Phones, Computers, Televisions, Cameras and even LED lighting lights is also the result of Semiconductor Technology. The essential components that make up an Electronic Equipment such as Transistors, Diodes and Integrated Circuits (ICs) are active electronic components made of semiconductor materials. Therefore, semiconductor materials have a very large influence on the development of electronics technology.

Semiconductor is an electrical conductor that is not as good as conductors but is not as bad as insulators that do not conduct electrical current at all. Basically, the ability to conduct semiconductor electricity is located between the conductor and the insulator. However, semiconductors are different from resistors, because semiconductors can conduct electricity or function as conductors if given a certain electric current, a certain temperature and also certain procedures or requirements.


Process Doping on Semiconductor

Actually many basic materials that can be classified as semiconductor materials, but most often used for the basic materials of electronic components are only a few types, these semiconductor materials include Silicon, Selenium, Germanium and Metal Oxides. To process these semiconductor materials into electronic components, it is necessary to do the process of “Doping” which is the process to add impurity to the semiconductor that is pure (intrinsic semiconductor) so that it can change the properties or characteristics of electricity. Some of the materials used to add semiconductor impurities include Arsenic, Indium and Antimony. These materials are often referred to as “Dopants”, while semiconductors that have gone through the process of “doping” are called extrinsic semiconductors.

Type or Type of Semiconductor

Semiconductors that have been through the Doping process, namely Semiconductors that are Impurity (impurities) or Extrinsic Semiconductors that are ready to become Electronic Components can be divided into 2 types, namely:

  1. N-type Semiconductor

It is said to be N-type because this type of semiconductor carrier (Charge Carrier) is composed of electrons. Electrons are negatively charged so it is called negative type or N-type.In semiconductors made of Silicon (Si), the doping process by adding arsenic or antimony will make the semiconductor as N-type semiconductor.There are 2 (two) charge carriers or charge carriers in N-type semiconductors, namely electrons as majority carriers and holes as minority carriers.

  1. Semiconductor P-Type

It is said to be P-type because this type of semiconductor lacks electrons or called “holes”. When the charge carrier is a Hole then the Semiconductor is a Positively charged Semiconductor.In Silicon Semiconductors (Si), the Doping Process by adding Indium will make the Semiconducter as a P-type Semiconductor.2 (two) charge carriers contained in P-type Semiconductors are Holes as Majority Carriers and Electrons as Minority Carriers).

Read also Definition of  IC (Integrated Circuit) and Its Applications

Active Electronics components whose basic materials are made of semiconductors include:

  • Integrated Circuit
  • Transistor
  • Diode

Electronic components made of semiconductors are highly sensitive electronic components with ESD (Electro Static Discharge). Therefore, it is necessary to handle specifically in the production of these components.

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