
Definition of Bridge Diode and Its Working Principles

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Bridge Diode and Its Working PrincipleBridge Diode is a type of diode that serves asalternatingcurrent(AC) to direct current(DC). Diode Bridge is basically an arrangement of four diodes assembled in the configuration of a series of bridges(bridges)packaged into one four-legged component device. Two terminal legs are used as inputs for ac voltage / electric current (back and forth) while the two more terminal legs are the Output terminal, namely the Positive Output Terminal (+) and the Negative Output Terminal (-).

The configuration of this Diode Bridge bridge circuit can produce the same polarity or direction at the output of both alternating input polarities. Of course, just like diodes in general, Bridge Diodes are also made of semiconductor materials. This Bridge Diode is usually available in the form of Single In Line  (SIL) and Dual In Line  (DIL).

Diode Bridge which is a component forfull wave rectifieris arectifier that is often used in the PowerSupplyseriesbecause of its better performance with a smaller size and also a relatively cheap cost compared to the full wave rectifier connected with the transformer center tap (CT transformer).

The most important feature on this Diode Bridge is that it has the same output polarity even though the input polarity is reversed or back and forth. The series of bridges on diodes was discovered by Karol Pollak, an electrical technician from Poland. The invention was patented on January 14, 1896.

Image of The Shape and Symbol of The Diode Bridge (Bridge Diode)

The following is an image of the shape and symbol of the Diode Bridge.


Working Principles of Diode Bridge (Bridge Diode)


The Working Principle of The Bridge Diode is basically the same as the 4 pieces of ordinary recessing diodes arranged in a series of bridges. The way it works is the same as the way the Full Wave Rectifier works. For more details about how bridge diodes work, we can see the picture below:

As we can see in the figure above, the four Diodes labeled D1, D2, D3 and D4 are arranged in “paired series” with only two diodes passing the current of one side of the signal or thecurrenthalfcycle. When the positive signal (+) side is given to Input-1 and the negative signal (-) is given to the Input-2 Diode bridge, the internal circuits of D1 and D2 will be in a Forward Bias condition thus skipping the positive signal, while D3 and D4 will be in a Reverse Bias condition that inhibits the negative side signal (see figure (a) above.

Then when the signal turns into a negative signal (-) given to Input-1 and a positive signal (+) to the Input-2 Diode bridge then D3 and D4 will also change into a Forward Bias condition that misses while D1 and D2 become reverse bias that inhibits the negative side signal (see figure (b) above).  The result of a full wave recesser is as we can see in figure c above.

Also read: Diode function and how to measure it

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