Definition of IC (Integrated Circuit) and Its Applications

Definition of IC (Integrated Circuit) and Its Applications

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Definition of  IC (Integrated Circuit) and Its Applications – Integrated Circuit or abbreviated as IC is an Active Electronic Component consisting of a combination of hundreds, thousands or even millions of Transistors, Diodes, Resistors and Capacitors integrated into an Electronic Circuit in a small package. The main material that makes up an Integrated Circuit (IC) is semiconductor materials. Silicon is the most commonly used semiconductor material in Integrated Circuit Fabrication Technology (IC). In Indonesian, this Integrated Circuit or IC often translates to Integrated Circuit.

Read also Definition of Transistors and Types of It

A Brief History of IC (Integrated Circuit)

Integrated Circuit Technology (IC) was first introduced in 1958 by Jack Kilby who worked for Texas Instruments, half a year later Robert Noyce successfully fabricationd ic with interconnection systems on a Silicon Chip. Integrated Circuit (IC) is one of the most significant technological developments of the 20th century.

Before the discovery of IC, electronic equipment at that time generally used vacuum tubes as the main component which was later replaced by transistors that had a smaller size. But to assemble a hard and complex electronic system, requires transistor components in large quantities so that the size of the electronic devices produced is large and less suitable to be carried around (portable).

IC (Integrated Circuit) technology allows an Electronics Circuit designer to create a smaller, lighter Electronics appliance at a more affordable price. The electrical power consumption of an IC is also lower than that of transistors. Therefore, IC (Integrated Circuit) has become the main component on almost all electronics equipment that we use today.

Without IC Technology (Integrated Circuit) maybe at this time we can not enjoy Portable Electronics equipment such as Mobile Phones, Laptops, MP3 Players, Tablet PCs, Portable Game Consoles, Digital Cameras and Electronic equipment that are small in shape and can be carried around everywhere.

Below is an image of the IC (Integrated Circuit) and its Symbols:

Definition of IC (Integrated Circuit) and Its Applications

IC (Integrated Circuit) Applications and Functions

Based on its Application and Function, the IC (Integrated Circuit) can be distinguished into Linear IC, Digital IC and also a combination of the two.

IC Linear

Linear IC or also called Analog IC is an IC that generally serves as:

  • Power Amplifier
  • Signal Amplifier
  • Operational Amplifier (Op Amp)
  • Micro Signal Amplifier (Microwave Amplifier)
  • Penguat RF dan IF (RF and IF Amplifier)
  • Voltage Comparator
  • Multiply
  • Radio Receiver (Radio Receiver)
  • Voltage Regulator

IC Digital

Digital IC is basically a switching circuit whose Input and Output voltages have only 2 (two) levels namely “High” and “Low” or in binary code denoted by “1” and “0”.

Digital IC generally functions as:

  • Flip-flop
  • Logic Gates
  • Hours
  • Counter
  • Multiplexer
  • Calculator
  • Memory
  • Clock
  • Microprocessor
  • Microcontroller

It is important to remember that the IC (Integrated circuit) is an Active Electronic Component that is sensitive to the influence of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD). So, special handling is needed to prevent damage to the IC.

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