Definition of Resistor and Their Types

Definition of Resistor and Their Types

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Definition of Resistor and Their Types – Resistors are one of the most commonly found components in electronic circuits. Almost every electronic device uses it. Basically, Resistor is a passive electronic component that has a certain resistance value or resistance that serves to limit and regulate the electric current in an electronics circuit. Resistors or in Indonesian are often referred to as Obstacles or Prisoners and are usually abbreviated with the letter “R”. Resistor Resistance unit is OHM (Ω). The term “OHM” is taken from the name of its inventor Georg Simon Ohm who is also a German physicist.

To limit and regulate the electric current in an electronics circuit, resistors work according to Ohm’s Law. For more details about Ohm’s Law.

Types of Resistors

In general, resistors can be classified into several types, including Fixed Resistors, Variable Resistors, Thermistors and LDRs.

A. Fixed Resistor

Fixed resistor is a type of resistor that has a fixed resistance value. Resistance values or resistor resistance is usually marked with a color code or number code.

Fixed Resistor Shapes and Symbols:

Definition of Resistor and Their Types

Those included in the Category of Fixed Resistors based on the composition of the making materials include:

Carbon Composition Resistor

Resistor jenis Carbon Composistion ini terbuat dari komposisi karbon halus yang dicampur dengan bahan isolasi bubuk sebagai pengikatnya (binder) agar mendapatkan nilai resistansi yang diinginkan. Semakin banyak bahan karbonnya semakin rendah pula nilai resistansi atau nilai hambatannya.

Nilai Resistansi yang sering ditemukan di pasaran untuk Resistor jenis Carbon Composistion Resistor ini biasanya berkisar dari 1Ω sampai 200MΩ dengan daya 1/10W sampai 2W.

Carbon Film Resistor (Resistor Film Karbon)

Resistor Jenis Carbon Film ini terdiri dari filem tipis karbon yang diendapkan Subtrat isolator yang dipotong berbentuk spiral. Nilai resistansinya tergantung pada proporsi karbon dan isolator. Semakin banyak bahan karbonnya semakin rendah pula nilai resistansinya. Keuntungan Carbon Film Resistor ini adalah dapat menghasilkan resistor dengan toleransi yang lebih rendah dan juga rendahnya kepekaan terhadap suhu jika dibandingkan dnegan Carbon Composition Resistor.

Nilai Resistansi Carbon Film Resistor yang tersedia di pasaran biasanya berkisar diantara 1Ω sampai 10MΩ dengan daya 1/6W hingga 5W. Karena rendahnya kepekaan terhadap suhu, Carbon Film Resistor dapat bekerja di suhu yang berkisar dari -55°C hingga 155°C.

Metal Film Resistor (Resistor Film Logam)

Metal Film Resistor adalah jenis Resistor yang dilapisi dengan Film logam yang tipis ke Subtrat Keramik dan dipotong berbentuk spiral. Nilai Resistansinya dipengaruhi oleh panjang, lebar  dan ketebalan spiral logam.

Secara keseluruhan, Resistor jenis Metal Film ini merupakan yang terbaik diantara jenis-jenis Resistor yang ada (Carbon Composition Resistor dan Carbon Film Resistor).

Read also Definition of  IC (Integrated Circuit) and Its Applications

B. Variable Resistor

Variable resistor is a type of resistor whose resistance value can change and be set according to desire. Variable resistors are generally divided into potentiometers, rheostat and trimpots.

Variable Resistor Shapes and Symbols:

Definition of Resistor and Their Types


Potentiometer is a type of Variable Resistor whose resistance value can change by rotating its shaft through a lever contained in the Potentometer. The Potentialometer Resistance Value is usually written on the body of the Potentiometer in the form of a number code.


Rheostat is a type of variable resistor that can operate at high voltages and currents. Rheostat is made of resistive wire coils and resistance value setting is done with a sweeper that moves at the top of the Toroid.

Preset Resistor (Trimpot)

Preset Resistor atau sering juga disebut dengan Trimpot (Trimmer Potensiometer) adalah jenis Variable Resistor yang berfungsi seperti Potensiometer tetapi memiliki ukuran yang lebih kecil dan tidak memiliki Tuas. Untuk mengatur nilai resistansinya, dibutuhkan alat bantu seperti Obeng kecil untuk dapat memutar porosnya.

C. Thermistor (Thermal Resistor)

Thermistor is a type of resistor whose resistance value can be affected by temperature. Thermistor stands for “Thermal Resistor”. There are two types of Thermistors: Thermistor NTC (Negative Temperature Coefficient) and Thermistor PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient).

Thermistor’s Shapes and Symbols:

Definition of Resistor and Their Types

D. LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)

LDR or Light Dependent Resistor is a type of resistor whose resistance value is affected by the intensity of light it receives.

LDR Shapes and Symbols

Definition of Resistor and Their Types

Resistor functions

Resistor functions in the Electronic Circuit include the following:

  1. As an electric current limiter
  2. As an electric current regulator
  3. As a Divider of Electrical Voltage
  4. As an electrical voltage lowering


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