test pen

Definition of Test Pen and How to Use It

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Test Pen and How to Use It –Test Pen is one of the most common tools used by Electricians in doing their work. Its relatively small shape and similar to a pen makes it very easy to carry everywhere. The tip of the Test Pen in the form of a “Minus” can be used as a screw to loosen or tighten the screw. So the Test Pen is basically a measuring instrument that is used to find out or check whether an electrical conductor has an electrical voltage or not. The electricity conductor referred to here can be in the form of electrical cables, electrical wires or electrical outlets.

Unlike the Multimeter, the Test Pen cannot be used to measure how high an Electrical Voltage is in the power supply source, the Test Pen can only be used to determine the presence or absence of electricity in an electrical conductor with a lamp indicator. If there is electricity in the Outlet or Electrical Cable, then the Indicator light will turn on, if there is no electricity then the Indicator lamp will not turn on. Easy isn’t it?

read also How to Use Clamp Meter and Its Working Principles

Below is a picture of the shape of the Test Pen and its parts.

test pen

How to Use a Test Pen

How to Use a Test Pen can be said to be very simple and easy. With just a few steps, we can find out whether an electrical outlet or electrical cable in question is electrified or not. The purpose of this test is certainly to avoid electric shocks that are harmful to health and even death (if our limbs are touched at a shipment with a very high electrical voltage).


Make sure your limbs are not touched at the electrical delivery source to be tested.

Here’s how it’s used:

  1. Take the Test Pen and hold the Test Pen with the fingertips of the hand.
  2. Place the tip of the index finger at the top of the Test Pen (the tip of the index finger must be touched on the iron part above the Test Pen).
  3. Attach the end of the Test Pen (the usual bottom minus screwdriver) to the power source to be tested.
  4. Look at the Indicator Light. If the Indicator Light is on then the electrical cable or conductor is being electrified (there is voltage). If the Indicator Light is not On (OFF) then the power cable or conductor is not electrified by electric current (there is no voltage in the conductor).


test pen

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