power supply

Definition of Power Supply and Its Types

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power supply

Power Supply or we called Power Supply is a power tool that can provide electrical energy for electrical devices or other electronics.  Basically, this power supply requires a source of electrical energy that then converts it into electrical energy needed by other electronic devices. Therefore, Power Supply is sometimes referred to also by the term Electric Power Converter.

General Classification of Power Supply

In general, Power Supply can be classified into 3 large groups, namely based on its Function, based on its Mechanical Form and also based on its Conversion Method. Here is a brief description of the three groups:

  1. Functional Power Supply

Based on its function, Power supply can be distinguished into Regulated Power Supply, Unregulated Power Supply and Adjustable Power Supply.

  • Regulated Power Supply is a power supply that can maintain the stability of voltage and electric current despite changes or variations in the load or power source (Voltage and Current Input).
  • Unregulated Power Supply is a power supply voltage or electric current can change when the load changes or the power source changes.
  • Adjustable Power Supply is a Power Supply whose voltage or current can be adjusted as needed by using Mechanical Knob. There are 2 types of Adjustable Power Supply, namely Regulated Adjustable Power Supply and Unregulated Adjustable Power Supply.
  1. Power Supply By Form

For Electronic equipment such as Television, Computer Monitor, Desktop Computer or DVD Player, Power Supply is usually placed in or fused into these devices so that we as consumers cannot see it directly. So there’s only an electrical cable that we can see from the outside. This power supply is called internal power supply (built in). But there is also a power supply that stands alone and is outside the electronic devices we use such as mobile phone chargers and laptop adapters. There is also a stand alone Power Supply whose shape is large and can be adjusted voltage according to our needs.

  1. Power Supply Based on Its Conversion Method

Based on the Conversion Method, power supply can be distinguished into a Linear Power Supply that converts electrical voltage directly from its Input and Power Supply Switching which must convert the input voltage to AC or DC pulse first.

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Types of Power Supply

In addition to the classification above, Power Supply can also be divided into several types, including DC Power Supply, AC Power Supply, Switch Mode Power Supply, Programmable Power Supply, Uninterruptible Power Supply, High Voltage Power Supply. The following is a brief description of the types of power supplies.

power supply

  1. DC Power Supply

DC Power Supply is a power generator that provides voltage and electric current in the form of DC (Direct Current) and has a fixed polarity that is Positive and Negative for its load. There are two types of DC supply:

  • AC to DC Power Supply

AC to DC Power Supply, which is a DC Power Supply that converts the AC power voltage source into the DC voltage required by Electronic equipment. AC to DC Power Supply generally has a Transformer that lowers voltage, Diode as Recesser and Capacitor as Filter.

  • Linear Regulator

Linear Regulator serves to convert the fluctuating DC voltage to constant (stable) and usually lowers the DC Input voltage.

  1. AC Power Supply

AC Power Supply is a power supply that converts an AC voltage level to another. For example, AC Power Supply lowers ac voltage 220V to 110V for equipment that requires a voltage of 110VAC. Or vice versa from ac voltage 110V to 220V.

  1. Switch-Mode Power Supply

Switch-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) is a type of Power Supply that directly provides (rectify) and filters (filter) AC Input voltage to get DC voltage. The DC voltage is then switched on and off at high frequencies with high frequency circuits resulting in an AC current that can pass through a High Frequency Transformer.

  1. Programmable Power Supply

Programmable Power Supply is a type of power supply whose operation can be controlled by Remote Control through analog or digital input interfaces such as RS232 and GPIB.

  1. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

Uninterruptible Power Supply or often referred to as UPS is a Power Supply that has 2 sources of electricity, namely electric current that directly comes from the AC input voltage and battery contained in it. When electricity is normal, the Input voltage will simultaneously charge the battery and provide an electric current for the load (electrical equipment). But if there is a failure in the AC voltage source such as power outage, then the battery will take over to provide voltage for the electrical equipment / electronics in question.

  1. High Voltage Power Supply

High Voltage Power Supply is a power supply that can produce high voltages up to hundreds or even thousands of volts. High Voltage Power Supply is usually used in X-ray machines or devices that require high voltage.

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