
Fluorescent TL Light Range and LED TL Lights

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Fluorescent TL Light Range and LED TL Lights- Fluorescent Lamp is probably the most widely used Lighting Lamp today. Fluorescent Lamp is often used as a lighting device in factories, warehouses, shopping malls, schools and also in offices. But along with the development of LED Light Technology as a Light Lamp, the adoption rate of LED Lights is increasing and will gradually replace fluorescent lights (Pendar).

The term TL stands for “Luminescent Tube” or there are also those who mention it “Tube Lamp” which is a Light Lamp in the form of a “Tube” or Tube. In everyday life, we can find 2 types of Technology in TL Lamps (Tube Lamp) namely Fluorescent Technology (Neon) and LED Technology (Light Emitting Diodes).

How Fluorescent TL Lamps Work

Basically, TL Lamp with Fluorescent Technology (FL) is a lamp in the form of a vacuum tube with incandescent wire at both ends (Electrodes), the tube is filled with Mercury and low-pressure argon gas. The lamp tube made of glass is also coated (Coating) by a layer of phosphor (phosphor). When electrified, the electrodes heat up and cause electrons to move from one end to the other. The electrical energy will also cause Mercury which was previously a liquid to turn into a gas. Electron Displacement will collide with Mercury Atoms so that Electron Energy will increase to a higher level. The electrons release light when the electrons’ energy returns to their normal level.

Read also Definition of LED (Light Emitting Diode) and How It Work

Fluorescent TL Light Range

Fluorescent TL lamps require a Starter and Ballast to turn them on. The starter function in fluorescent TL lamps is as an automatic switch that helps heat the electrodes for the process of transferring electrons inside the Fluorescent Tube. Keep in mind that to heat the Electrode so that the gas contained in the Light Tube (TL) can glow, a high voltage of up to 400 Volts is required. After the ignition process is completed, the Bi-metal contained in the starter will open. Thus the Starter can be released from the Fluorescent TL Light Circuit because of the use of the Starter only at the time of ignition. While the Ballast contained in the Fluorescent TL / TL Fluorescent Light Circuit serves as a limiter of the magnitude of the current and stabilizes the current in order to operate the Fluorescent TL Lamp at the appropriate electrical characteristics. There are 2 types of Ballast, namely Ballast type Inductor / coil (Inductive Ballast) and Ballast type Electronics (Electronic Ballast).

Below is the Series of Installation / Installation of Fluorescent TL Lamps:


LED TL Light Circuit (Light Emitting Diode)

LED TL Lamp is a tube-shaped Light Lamp (Tube) using LED Technology (Light Emitting Diode) as a light beam transmitter. In general, LED TL lights consist of tens to hundreds of LEDs in it. LED lights have many advantages as discussed earlier in the article Advantages and Advantages of Using LED Lights so that the use of light lights with LED Technology is increasing.

One of the advantages of LED TL Lights is that they can save electricity up to 60% of the use of Fluorescent TL Lights or Fluorescent TL because they do not require Starter and Ballast which in fact can also consume more electricity (especially in Inductive type Ballast).

The following is the Series of Installation / Installation of LED TL Lights (LED Tube):


How to Convert or Convert Fluorescent TL Circuit to LED TL

Converting or converting fluorescent TL circuits to LED TL is not a difficult job. We just need to release the Starter and also the ballast and then make a new connection between the LED TL Light Terminal and the Input electric current as shown below.

The following is a series of images of how to convert Fluorescent TL Circuits to LED TL (LED Tube):


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