Length Measuring Instruments

Length Measuring Instruments

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Length Measuring Instrument Is ? The following are the definitions, functions, examples of drawings and various kinds of standard and non-standard length measuring instruments

When measuring an item, you definitely need a length measuring instrument to find out the length of the item or object accurately. There are many tools used to measure goods, all of which have their own functions, shapes, and ways to use.

To make it easier to distinguish measuring instruments, here are some measuring instruments that you can use. Some measuring instruments can be obtained easily and sold on the market, but other measuring instruments must be purchased in a special place, at a fairly expensive price.

Definition of Length Measuring Instruments

Length Measuring Instruments

The definition of a length measuring instrument is a tool used to measure the magnitude of the length, width and also height of an object based on units of meters (m), centimeters (cm) and millimeters (mm).

If explained in terms, this kind of measuring instrument is used to measure various objects, it can be the height of the object, the length, or even the size of the width. Some people use this measuring instrument to measure the thickness, depth and diameter of an object, depending on which part you want to know its size.

The function of a length measuring instrument in general is to calculate the unit of length or width of an object. This tool can be used by anyone, without the need for any professional restrictions to use it.

This measuring instrument may often be found in schools, or also in places of work in general, for example measuring instruments for length used by carpenters.

As the name implies, this measuring instrument is used to measure the length of an object and distance. The unit used in each place is different, but in Indonesia it uses a meter unit. Examples of length measuring instruments include meters, rulers and ranges.

Like a Long Measuring Tool

Length Measuring Instruments

Basically, the length measuring instrument is divided into two, namely standard and non-standard length measuring instruments. Standard length measuring instruments are measuring instruments that have a fixed value (standard) in the measurement results. While the non-standard length measuring instrument is a measuring instrument that has a non-fixed measurement result value.

Among the examples of standard length measuring instruments are rulers and calipers, you can also use roll meters, meters, even screw micrometers and calipers. While those that are not standard, for example, measurements using an inch of the hand or footsteps.

There are many types of measuring instruments used by humans, not only measuring instruments to find out the dimensions of objects alone. If you find the question of mentioning measuring instruments, here are some common standard length measuring instruments to use:


Length Measuring Instruments

The first kind of length measuring instrument is the meter, which has a shape similar to a rolling tape. The difference is that the meter has a stronger manufacturing material, so it is not easily damaged if used over a long period of time.

The material that the meter has is also more flexible, making it safe enough to roll up and then retract to measure an object with a length, exceeding the general length of the object measured using a ruler or crossbar.

There are two types of length meters that you can get in the market, the first is a conventional length meter and a digital length meter, the details of which you can see below:

  • Conventional Length Meter

These measuring instruments are generally in the form of roll meters and pocket meters, usually used by tailors in measuring fabrics and also builders to measure wood, buildings or angles of objects that require precision measurements.

The material used to make the meter is a thin iron plate, with an average size of about 3 to 10 meters for one roll.

  • Digital Meter

As the name implies, this measuring instrument resembles the meter previously mentioned, but works in digital form. You don’t need to extend the meter to find out the result, just take this tool and then walk towards the target of the object you want to measure.

  • Laser Meter

Almost similar to a digital meter, this laser meter has an LCD screen display and several buttons with different functions. In the image of the laser meter length measuring instrument above, you can see several buttons that have various functions.

Generally, this laser meter is used by architects and construction experts to measure the length and width of large land before building construction is established.

Ruler / Crossbar

Length Measuring Instruments

The first type of special measuring instrument for measuring length is the crossbar, this tool can be used to measure objects that can be seen with the human eye. The sizes used are twofold, namely centimeters and millimeters.

The drawing of this length measuring instrument is quite simple, in the form of a metal board, made of iron, plastic, or even wood on which there are lines and numbers as a place to measure the crossbar. In addition to being used for measuring, it can also be used to draw objects or straight lines.

Based on its use, the ruler or crossbar also has several variants of forms, including:

  • Straight Ruler

A straight ruler is the most widely used ruler in various measurements. Generally, this long ruler is made of plastic, wood and also aluminum.

  • Triangle Ruler

A triangular ruler is a ruler with a shape and model resembling a triangle. The use of this ruler is usually more specialized compared to the use on a straight ruler.

  • Circle Ruler

A circle ruler is a ruler that has several sizes of circles. This ruler is usually used to draw a circle so that it has a straight and precise diamter.

Mikrometer (Micrometer)

The name of this length measuring instrument is indeed quite interesting, but that does not mean that it is used to measure screws. The name of the screw micrometer has the meaning of a measuring instrument used to measure miniature objects, which cannot be measured using the usual measuring instrument.

A length measuring instrument that has an accuracy level of 0 01 mm is a screw micrometer. Measurements using micrometers are more precise than caliper measuring instruments.

Initially, this screw micrometer was not used to measure mini/small-sized objects, but rather to calculate the angle of stars in space through a telescope.

This tool is now more often used to measure the thickness of an object, so that each object has a similar size, in particular the long part of its thickness. It can measure objects that have a small size, even smaller than other types of measuring instruments.

There are several types of screw micrometers that you can use to measure an object, among the types of micrometers include:

  • Micrometers Digital

Just like the screw micrometer previously described, this tool also has a similar function to it. But it can be used digitally, so you don’t have to calculate the nonius scale or the main scale to get the measurement results.

  • Micrometer Analog/ Manual

This manual or analog type of screw micrometer has a measurement scale that is measured manually. This micrometer has two types of scales, namely the main scale and the nonius scale.

Compared to other measuring instruments, the length measuring instrument that has the highest precision is a screw micrometer. The degree of accuracy of this tool reaches 0 01 mm (millimeters).

As the name implies, the measurement results of this micrometer are still manual through various calculation processes, to find out you can read the details here: how to calculate a screw micrometer.


Length Measuring Instruments

The next measuring instrument for measuring length is the calipers, which are often used to measure the size of smaller objects, compared to objects that can be measured by the crossbar. There are two types of calipers that are commonly used, namely the calipers for the manual type and the digital type.

For the digital type, it is easier to use and can perform calculations automatically, making it easier for users who only need to put objects on their clamps. The shape resembles an English pipe, with a capit where to place the object to be measured.

There are two scales used to measure objects in this one length measuring instrument, namely the main scale and the nonius scale. The two need to be combined to get the calculation of the final size of the object exactly.

Based on the classification, the caliper has three variants that you can use for a measurement. Among the types of calipers are as follows:

  • Digital Caliper

Another length measuring tool that can be used to measure small objects is the calipers, but with a digital type. This tool can be found easily and is starting to be commonly used, replacing the digital calipers that were previously popular.

  • Analog Calipers (Dial Caliper)

A distinctive feature of the analog calipers lies in the shape of a nonius scale or vernier shaped like analog clockwork. This type of calipers has an accuracy level of up to 0.05 millimeters (mm).

  • Manual Wheel Run (Vernier Caliper)

Manual Caliper is a type of caliper that requires a variety of calculation processes in making measurements. This type of calipers has two scales, namely the fixed scale and the nonius scale.

Measurements using this manual calipers have an accuracy level of up to 0.1 millimeters (mm). To find out how to measure it.


Length Measuring Instruments

Protractor is a length measuring instrument devoted to measuring how many degrees of angle are formed from two lines of objects. Generally this tool is used by architects to measure the angle of the object.

In addition to being used by architects, protractors are also often encountered in school students who get a math assignment to measure the angle of two lines.

Read also Difference between Analog and Digital Multimeter

Turnframe (Compass)

Length Measuring Instruments

Rotary-term measuring instruments are usually made of two metals held together at one end. One piece of metal will have a sharp tip so that it can grip the paper, while the other piece of metal can be affixed to stationery.

The diameter of the width of the compass can be adjusted, so that the two sides of the metal can be arranged at different angles to make circles of different sizes, or measure different spaces.

This tool will be commonly used by architects or anyone else who makes engineering drawings, and can also be used in navigation to determine the distance between two points on a map.

Tiltmeters ( Slope Inclinometer)

Length Measuring Instruments

In addition to the five tools mentioned earlier, there are other tools that are also used to measure the length of an object. These tools are Tiltmeters or often known as inclinometer balls.

The function of this one measuring instrument is to determine the angle or gradient of an object. The tool has a small ball bearing in a curved tube that will move to the lowest point in the tube due to gravity.

To use this tool, the user must place this tool next to the angle to be measured. Generally, this inclinometer measuring instrument is used in the health sector.

For example, treatment to determine the angle of a person’s body, and you can see on the machine that works to keep the patient’s operation safe.



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