Professional microphones set. Collection of speakers. Can be used for topics like audio studio, record, radio

Definition of Microphone and how it works

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Definition of Microphone and how it works – Microphone or in Indonesian called a microphone is a device or electronic component that can convert or convert acoustic energy (sound waves) to electrical energy (Audio Signal). Microphone is a family of transducers that serve as components or devices that convert one form of energy to another. Each type of microphone has a different way of changing its energy shape, but they all have similarities: all types of microphones have a main part called the diaphragm.

Microphone Symbols in Electronic Circuits


How a Microphone Works


Microphone is an important component in electronic devices such as hearing aids, voice recorders, radio broadcasting and other communication devices such as mobile phones, telephones, intercoms, walkie talkies and home entertainment such as karaoke. Basically the electrical signal produced by the microphone is very low, therefore it requires a signal amplifier that is usually called an amplifier. To get to know more about the microphone that we use almost every day. The following is an explanation of how the microphone works briefly:

  1. As we speak, our voice will form sound waves and head to the Microphone.
  2. In the microphone, the sound waves will hit the diaphragm (diaphragm) consisting of a very thin plastic membrane. The diaphragm will vibrate according to the sound waves it receives.
  3. A coil or coil (Voice Coil) contained at the back of the diaphragm will vibrate in accordance with the vibration of the diaphragm.
  4. A small permanent magnet surrounded by a coil creates a magnetic field along with the coil movement.
  5. The movement of the Voice Coil in this Magnetic Field will give rise to an electrical signal.
  6. The resulting electrical signal then flows to the amplifier (amplifier) or voice recording device.

Types of Microphones (Microphones)

Based on the Technology or Technique of Conversion from Acoustic Energy (Sound) to Electrical Energy, microphones can be divided into several types of including the following:

  1. Dynamic microphoneis a microphone that works on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
  2. CondenserMicrophone, which is a microphone whose diaphragm is made of metal material and hung on a static metal plate at a distance so close that both are insulated to resemble a capacitor. Condenser microphones are also called capacitor microphones.
  3. ElectretMicrophone, which is a Condenser type microphone that has its own electric charge so that it does not require power from the outside.
  4. RibbonMicrophone, which is a microphone that uses thin and sensitive tape that is hung on a magnetic field.
  5. Crystal Microphone or  Piezoelektris Microphone,  which is a microphone made of Active Crystals that can cause its own voltage when capturing vibrations so that it does not require power from the outside.

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