voltage regulator

Types of IC Voltage Regulator

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Types of IC Voltage Regulator  –  Voltage Regulator is one of the circuits that are often used in Electronic equipment. The function of the Voltage Regulator is to maintain or ensure voltage at a certain level automatically. That is, the DC Output Voltage (Output) on the Voltage Regulator is not affected by changes in Input Voltage (Input), Load on Output and also Temperature. Stable Voltage that is free from all interference such as noise or fluctuations (ups and downs) is needed to operate Electronic equipment, especially in electronic equipment that is digital such as Micro Controller or Micro Processor.

This Voltage Regulator circuit is found in adapters that are tasked to provide DC Voltage for Laptops, Mobile Phones, Game Consoles and so on. In Electronic Equipment whose Power Supply or Power Supply is integrated into its units such as TVs, DVD Players and Desktop Computers, the Voltage Regulator Circuit is also a must so that the Voltage given to other Circuits is Stable and free from fluctuations.

There are various types of Voltage Regulators or Voltage Regulators, one of which is the Voltage Regulator by Using IC Voltage Regulator. One of the most commonly found types of IC Voltage Regulator is type 7805 which is ic voltage regulator that regulates stable Output Voltage at 5 Volt DC Voltage.

Types of IC Voltage Regulator

There are several ways of grouping voltage regulators in the form of IC (Integrated Circuit), including based on the number of terminals (3 terminals and 5 terminals), based on Linear Voltage Regular and Switching Voltage Regulator. While the third way of grouping is to classify it into 3 types, namely Fixed Voltage Regulator, Adjustable Voltage Regulator and Switching Voltage Regulator.

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The following is a brief explanation of the 3 Types of DC Voltage Regulator IC :


This type of Fixed Voltage Regulator (Fixed Voltage Regulator) ic has a fixed value that cannot be adjusted (adjusted) according to the wishes of the circuit. The voltage has been set by the IC manufacturer so that the regulated DC Voltage also Remains in accordance with its IC specifications. For example IC Voltage Regulator 7805, then the DC Voltage Output is also only 5 Volts DC. There are 2 types of Fixed Voltage Regulators, namely Positive Voltage Regulator and Negative Voltage Regulator.

The most common type of IC Voltage Regulator found on the Market is type 78XX. The XX mark behind it is the Number Code that indicates the DC Output Voltage in the IC Voltage Regulator. For example, 7805, 7809, 7812 and so on. IC 78XX is a Positive Voltage Regulator type IC.

Ic type Negative Voltage Regulator has the same design, construction and workings as the type of Positive Voltage Regulator, which distinguishes it only polarity in the Output Voltage. Examples of NEGATIVE VOLTAGE REGULATOR ic types include 7905, 7912 or IC Voltage Regulator starting with the code 79XX.

IC Fixed Voltage Regulator is also categorized as IC Linear Voltage Regulator.

Below is the Basic Series for the LM78XX IC and its Component Form (Fixed Voltage Regulator).

voltage regulator


IC type Adjustable Voltage Regulator is a type of DC Voltage Regulator IC that has a certain Output Voltage range so that it can be adjusted to the needs of the Circuit. IC Adjustable Voltage Regulator also has 2 types, namely Positive Adjustable Voltage Regulator and Negative Adjustable Voltage Regulator. Examples of IC types of Positive Adjustable Voltage Regulator include LM317 which has a range or voltage range from 1.2 Volt DC to 37 Volt DC. While the example of IC type Negative Adjustable Voltage Regulator is LM337 which has the same Voltage Range or Range as LM317. Basically the design, construction and workings on both types of IC Adjustable Voltage Regulator are the same. What sets it apart is the Polarity at its DC Voltage Output.

IC Fixed Voltage Regulator is also categorized as IC Linear Voltage Regulator.

Below is the Basic Series of IC LM317 and its component form (Adjustable Voltage Regulator).

voltage regulator


This Switching Voltage Regulator has a different Design, Construction and workings with IC Linear Regulator (Fixed and Adjustable Voltage Regulator). Switching Voltage Regulator has better energy usage efficiency when compared to IC Linear Regulator. This is due to its ability to transfer the provision of electrical energy to a magnetic field that is indeed used as a store of electrical energy. Therefore, to string the Voltage Regulator with the Switching Voltage Regulator system must be added an inductor component that serves as a storage element of electrical energy.


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